
Digital Certification Badges

Congratulations! You’re Pragmatic Institute Certified! You've earned it, so now it's time to brag about it. To help you do just that, we've created a series of certification logos that you can proudly display on your resume, business card, profile or even as a tattoo.


How to Accept Your Badge

When you receive your certification badge email, follow these steps to accept your badge and add it to your social media accounts:

  • Open the email and click the “Accept Your Badge” button.
  • You’ll be taken to your Credly account. If you haven’t registered yet, make sure you do so now. A verification email will be sent if you’re setting up your account for the first time. Follow the steps there to complete your account. 
  • Once you’ve finished setting things up, select the option to make your new certification badge public. 

Ready to share your badges on your social accounts? It only takes a few steps:

  • On your account dashboard page, click on the badge you’d like to share.
  • In the upper right hand corner, select the “Share” button.
  • The first tab opens for LinkedIn. The left side of the page includes the information you’ll need. Click the “Share to LinkedIn” button in the lower right corner. You may be prompted to sign into your LinkedIn account. This will open a new window where you can populate that information. Click “Save” and you’re done!
  • For Facebook and Twitter, you’ll need to authorize Credly to have access to your accounts. Once you’re connected, you can create your own message about your achievement and click “Share.”
  • Now the whole world can see and find your certification badges!

What Badges Are There?

We offer badges for every PMC level you obtain. More importantly, we offer three advanced badges that showcase your mastery of product management, product marketing and all things product. 

product manager

Pragmatic Certified Product Manager
Successfully pass Foundations, Focus, and Build

product markerter

Pragmatic Certified Product Marketer
Successfully pass Foundations, Market, and Launch

product master

Pragmatic Certified Product Master
Successfully pass all eight courses

Pragmatic Management Certification Logos

Be sure to select the right logo for you. The Roman numeral represents your certification level. Every time you attend a course and pass its certification exam, you earn another level. (There's a total of 8, so if your set isn't complete, register for another course today!)


pmc_level_I pmn_level_II pmc_level_III

pmn_level_VI" pmn_level_VII;

What If I Haven’t Received My Certification Email?

It can take up to 2 weeks after completing a course to receive your certification email from Credly. This is due to the large number of certification earners we process each week. Make sure you whitelist all emails from @credly.com so you lose any messages to your spam filter.

We have sent out emails to all of those who passed Pragmatic courses since 2015.

If you still haven’t received your email, or you took courses prior to 2015, please contact us directly at certifications@pragmaticinstitute.com.

We’ll be able to help you from there. 

Remember, these images are only for use by attendees that have received confirmation that they have passed a Pragmatic Management Certification exam. It may be used for your personal use only and in no case can it be used by any other person for marketing, resale, training, or consulting without express written permission of the copyright owner, Pragmatic Institute. It must be associated to you personally and cannot be used in a company brochure or other corporate material.

Add Pragmatic Certification to Your LinkedIn profile

Show off your Pragmatic pride! Certifications are a great way to showcase your knowledge and professional achievements on your LinkedIn profile. Your Pragmatic Management certification appears under the Certifications section of your profile.

Click the button below to start the process. You may be prompted to sign in to LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn Add to Profile button


RETIRED: Course-Specific Badges 

We have retired course-specific badges and they are no longer issued automatically after you complete a course. Instead, you will be issued your next PMC Level badge. However, if you would like to download a course-specific badge for sharing in a social post or other outlet, you can do so here. 

pmc_level_I Focus build


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